Also in 2012 renowned research institutes plan to do more research on hot steam..
The Service Center for Rural Areas (DLR) Rheinlandpfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) will do more field studies in tree nurseries in the end of March 2012. In the process the focus will be on the optimization of steaming methods, in order to find out the most effective use of steam.
The preferred method is Sandwich-steaming. Hereby steam is injected simultaneously from the surface and in the depth through a steaming hood with pikes. The goal is the efficient use of hot steam at cost less than 5,000 EUR per hectare.
Besides the DLR, the Agroscope Institute of the University of Wädenswil in Switzerland will do another study on steaming. Hereby hot steam is used to kill a special kind of grass.
This grass has become a pest in Switzerland and causes increasing problems in agriculture as it hampers the growth of cultures. Hot steam shall help to sanitize these infested areas.