Together with the regional council of Freiburg the MSD Corp. tested a number of procedures for the steaming of large amounts of Japanese Knotweed contaminated earth at various locations near the Upper Rhine.
The goal of the development is a procedure that, in the shortest possible timespan, with the lowest possible personnel costs, can sanitize large amounts of earth from the introduced neophyte completely. The total costs should be significantly lower than 30 Euro/m³. For this, the appropriate heavy technology was used.

In this context, in the first step specially equipped tipping trailers are filled and alternatingly steamed using the low pressure steam boiler Type S 2000 of the company MSD (Möschle-Seifert-Dämpftechnik). The steaming procedure was done with an additionally fitted vacuuming-extraction system so that the steam can penetrate the contaminated ground more easily.
The second step used roll-off containers instead of tipping trailers, which were fitted with the appropriate steam distribution systems. In these, special sliding floors were used as well as the vacuuming-system. The hygienization goal was always reached. The soil was free of Japanese Knotweed after the steaming process.

On basis of this way gained experiences a final, further optimized steaming system will emerge in summer, surpassing the target of 20m³ per hour per 2 tons of used steam at minimal personnel costs. On this basis, in a period of 6 months up to 10.0000m³ of Japanese Knotweed contaminated soil will be sanitized.